Academic Success in the College

Academic Success in the College

Being a good student and a living example of academic success is not an easy thing to do, because there are always classes, which would seem like a real nightmare for you. In my case, I absolutely despised Astronomy and Calculus, because I had English major. Most probably, anyone has classes that they hate and that stand in the way of their academic success. There’s nothing you can do about it, because such is our educational system. Here’s my first-hand experience to help you succeed in college, no matter what subject preferences you have!

Plan ahead

Procrastination is one of the worst enemies that a student can face. Have no doubts, you will face it too. But you’re not alone in this and those who have already overcome it know that the best remedy is planning. Your syllabus is your first friend in terms of planning. Not only it includes your course schedule, but it also has crucial data concerning assignments and expectations. Plan ahead, start early, be consistent and your works will never be overdue. Divide your assignments into pieces and try to complete a bit each day. The main trick here is consistency: if you have it, you have it all, if you don’t have it, planning has no meaning. Let’s look at the example with an essay – one night you write an outline, next night you work on a draft, night after it you edit the draft and finally you have something you can be satisfied with. That’s how it works.

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Become a Good Notetaker

No matter the subject, taking notes is a must in case you strive for academic success. But first, you should determine which method of taking notes suits you best. You can use color-coding, split your notebook in two parts (one for essentials and one for the general material) or you can come up with something original. Here are some essential tips for taking notes:

  • Don’t write down everything your professor says.
  • If you have no idea how to start, use bullet points.
  • Colored pens make taking notes much easier and much more enjoyable.
  • If your professor is using a powerpoint presentation, ask whether you can find it online.

Talk to the Professor

When you feel that you’re struggling to understand something, but can’t, it’s time to talk to your professor. At first glance, it may seem like a bad idea because this way you will show your weakness. However, in reality, along with showing your vulnerability you’re also demonstrating your sincere desire to understand the topic, which will definitely make a good impression on your professor. Stay after the class or go to your professor during office hours and ask for help. Even if for some reason, professor has no time to sit down and explain everything to you, he or she can definitely point out your major errors and the ways to solve them. One of the greatest byproducts of working with your professor is that they will be more willing to help you when it comes to your final grades. May these tips guide you towards your academic success! Testimonials

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