Getting Prepared to Finals

Getting Prepared to Finals

Since it is the end of a studying year, all students are getting prepared for their doom – final exams. Even though the finals are really demanding, there is no point in panicking and crying desperately. There are a lot of helpful methods to make sure that you will get the highest mark possible.

Preparing for Final Exams

Look after Your Working Place

It is both uncomfortable and inefficient to study at a messy desk. You will be able neither to find anything nor to focus on the studying. Make yourself comfortable and continue working in a clean environment.

Use Flashcards

Your brain functions more efficiently when it has appropriate associations. Therefore, using various colorful cards for memorizing benefits your studying process. This method was developed centuries ago but is still one of the most efficient.

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Feed Yourself Properly

Unless your stomach is satisfied, it will not let you work in a necessary pace. You should remember to eat something so that your brain will function and nothing will disturb you from studying process. Take snacks to the desk to keep steady nutrition.

Pretend to Have an Audience

When you recollect the material, imagine a class sitting in front of you. This will help you focus not only on the information being reminded but also on the way you present this information. Moreover, if you have a chance to find a real audience, this will only improve your result of retelling.

Start a Planner

Though, your memory may seem immaculate, do not hesitate to make notes of important facts. This will save you a lot of time in the process of preparation when you need a certain piece of information. If you decorate the planner according to your style, this will just create more appropriate recollecting conditions.

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Drink Water

The human’s body contains 70% of water. Thus, its consumption is of the utmost importance during the everyday life. Your brain needs it the most as inappropriate water level may lead to dehydration that can cause dizziness, drowsiness, and even brain disorders. Not only can water save your brain condition but any drink as well. So, if you are a coffee fan, do not forget to indulge yourself during the preparation.

Stick to a System

One of the most effective studying systems nowadays is Pomodoro. It involves working process during 25 minutes and 5-minute breaks between each “Pomodoro.” After 2 hours of constant working, do not forget to make a big pause – 30-minute break after 4 “Pomodoros”.

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Get Rid of Distraction

Your mobile phone is your biggest enemy during the preparation. Constant notifications, social network messages, and a tempting application will try to distract you from productive studying. Turn the phone off and keep the discipline.

Test Your Knowledge

It is always a good idea to make tests before the exams. However, the better option will be to simulate a real exam. No additional material, no cheat sheets, only your own brain should be involved in such a preparation. This will help you understand your blanks to focus on.

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