Tips on How to Prepare an Expository Essay

Tips on How to Prepare an Expository Essay

The following type of essay is supposed to explain the topic in a logical and clear way. An expository essay doesn’t provide the reader with writer’s emotions or opinions, but it presents a balanced and fair examination of the analyzed matter based solely on the facts.

Usually expository essays are written in order to “define” or “explain” something in an understandable manner. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that writing an expository essay is an easy task. Here are the tips for writing an excellent expository essay and getting the best grades:

Getting Ready

This stage should include brainstorming of the main idea and topic of the essay. When you have the idea and the topic settled upon, proceed to completing an essay outline, which presents the information in every paragraph.

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Creating a Draft

When creating the draft, take into consideration the following:

  • An introductory paragraph includes a very important sentence, which reflects the main idea or the thesis of the essay. The thesis should be stated without taking a certain position.
  • Each body paragraph should include the point, which is connected to and develops the thesis of the essay. Examples and facts should be provided to support the topic of each paragraph.
  • The conclusion should once again reinforce the most important supporting ideas and the thesis of the essay.
  • This essay is to be written in third person singular as it discusses a certain deed, event, situation, or viewpoint of another person.


It is a necessary part of working with any document. During this phase, the students should review, reorganize and modify their essay in order to make it as good and as organized as it can be. When revising your expository essay, consider such key points:

  • Make sure that your essay gives a definition or explains, rather than provides the readers with your personal opinions.
  • Information should be communicated to the readers effectively and clearly.
  • Do not introduce unnecessary details in your essay. Keep your focus sharp and stick to the thesis.
  • Make clear transitions between sentences and paragraphs. It enhances the reader’s understanding of the given material.
  • A concluding paragraph should emphasize the thesis and main supporting ideas.
  • If you still feel that your essay is not good enough take one more look at the thesis. If it’s weak – you’re essay can’t be good; therefore, you should have a very strong and solid thesis.


When content and logic of your essay looks great, you can proceed to proofreading. While proofreading, pay attention to style and grammar. Although expository essays should be concise, it doesn’t mean that they should be boring. Try to make your essay as engaging as possible.

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The last stage is publishing, and if you have performed the four previous stages well, presenting your essay to class should be a pleasurable experience. Although, as any other writers, you will probably be sensitive to your work. Never forget that the most important thing is to learn from opinions and experiences of others and make the maximum use of the feedback that you receive. Testimonials

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